8 Brides that Definitely Should Have Said "No" on "Say Yes to the Dress."

Everyone's secret obsession is the TLC show "Say Yes to the Dress." Don't lie to me, you wouldn't be reading this if it wasn't true...

There are drinking games, workout games, and even viewing parties for this addictive show! Whether you're getting married, already married, never getting married, or don't have any weddings in the near future you don't need a reason to watch four or five brides try on up to a dozen dresses and witness what hurtful things their grandma has to say about the dress they'll ultimately choose! Sometimes though, brides don't have the best taste and definitely, definitely should have listened to Grandma...

Image result for you chose poorly gif

You know what this looks like? This looks like one of those dresses you would make out of a white tablecloth during a bridal shower game. 

This chick is one upbeat dance move away from a wardrobe malfunction... Also, in future skirts, choose ruffles OR rosettes. Not both.

Heads up, lady, this is not a wedding dress, this is a sheer curtain wrapped around your body.

I feel like this is what half curdled milk looks like.

You know, this is the mullet of dresses. Decent on the top, plantation owner's daughter on the bottom.

Ma'am, ma'am... you forgot the top part of your dress. 

The fact that they got two women to say yes to this dress astounds me. There's nothing wrong with a high to low dress, but seriously, wtf is this?

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